Internship at the department of Semiotics
The aim of the professional practice is to offer the student the opportunity to implement the theoretical knowledge acquired in the semiotics department; and learn to use practical and transferable skills in a work situation where the audience/recipient of the student's work is not only the academic staff, but at the same time, the student is guaranteed a safe learning environment.
Üliõpilased, kes alustasid õpinguid 2023/24 õppeaasta õppekava alusel peavad õpingute jooksul läbima praktika kohustus 3 EAP mahus.
Subjects that cover internship 2023/2024
Professional Practice in Semiotics
FLSE.00.314 (6 ECTS)
Individual internship, where the student goes to work as an intern in a company or institution. The internship requires the presence of a supervisor from both, the institution and the department, who help the student in solving tasks, setting learning goals and applying professional knowledge.
When is a good time for the internship?
We recommend doing a professional internship when you are more or less clear about your research topic. The second or third academic year of bachelor's studies or the the second academic year of master's studies is in most cases the best time for internship. There is no specific time in your time table for the internship, therefore it could be good to complete the internship during the summer or scattered it during the academic year.
How long is the Professional practice?
Professional practice in the department of semiotics gives 6 ECTS which is 156 hours or approx. 4 working weeks. Practice includes setting goals, communication with supervisors, writing reports and experience stories.
Workshop of Semiotics Analysis
FLSE.00.315 (3 ECTS)
Project-based analysis practice, the task is given by an organization or institution external to the university. Practice takes place in small groups with a supervisor from the department.
The aim is to obtain the know-how of using disciplinary knowledge in assessing and researching practical sociocultural situations and processes, in defining, analysing and finding solutions to actual problems.
Project partners: Tartu2024, Tartu Nature House, Tartu City Council, SEB bank.
Opportunity to participate in research projects at the department of Semiotics.
Workshop of Semiotics Analyses is project-based, so keep an eye on student lists for call-outs.
Semiootikute ja graafiliste disainerite töötuba. 29.01-02.02.2024
Semiotics and Cultural Critics
FLSE.00.312 (6 ECTS)
Practical subject that introduces forms and functions of cultural journalism and critique; acquire basic knowledge and experience in the field, basic skills of semiotic textual analysis and its presentation in different media.
During the course, students also try the work of a cultural critic: they write an article that is ready for publishing, offer it to a media publication, communicate with an editor, etc.
Semiotics and Cultural Critics will take place in Autumn semester of 2023.